Our Products & Services
You might think we are a bit weird in that we don't like to provide a big drop-down menu of services that we offer. Our vision means that we'd hate people to have to simply fit into the service we provide. As a social enterprise following the social model of disability we recognise that it's not the impairment that stops people doing things - but the way in which society treats people that does.
We offer an 'All about Me' session to all our customers in order to help them identify exactly what their goals and aspirations are. We then 'rotate' the service / offers / community connections around to see how we can support that individual meeting these goals. We use a system called 'iPlanit' to measure these - so people can record and see their progress.
We like to think we can be extremely flexible and most importantly of all we are trying to give people as much informed choice and control as possible.
To understand this better - you might like to watch our film that highlights all that we have done recently.
Below are the current ways in which we help people meet their outcomes - remember you can start with a blank page when you meet us - you don't have to do any of the below. You will be assigned a staff Facilitator and it is their job to work with you in an Equal Value Partner way to achieve your goals.
All About Me
We will meet you to discuss your goals for the future. Together we will find ways to support you to achieve your goals.
Personal Assistants
You can book a Personal Assistant to support you. They all have different interests and skills. TLS will train and pay them on your behalf.
The Interdependent Living Team
This team supports people to live independently in the community. They will support you with shopping, cooking, reading letters, managing money, paying bills and joining activities in the community.
Day Opportunities
You can attend a locality base if you need support during the day. We have buildings in Grays, South Ockendon, Stanford-le-Hope and Chadwell St. Mary. You can join lots of activities and meet with friends.
Thurrock Autistic Community Together
We use learning tools based on Applied Behaviour Analysis to teach new skills, manage behaviours and improve quality of life.
Schools in Transition
We work with 2 Special Schools in Thurrock. We give students an opportunity to get involved in the local community. They can do work experience in our café or work with our handyman.
The Transition House
Moving out of your family or carer's home can be difficult. We have houses to train you to live independently and learn new skills. We will then support you to move into a house of your choosing.
Supported Employment
Finding a job is difficult. We support people in different ways to gain paid work, training or work experience. We can provide you with a job coach or to join an employment course at a local college.
Training Customers
You can join an ASDAN course to develop personal, social and independence skills. We will train you on how to manage your Personal Assistants.
Liam's Nightclub
Our dearly missed Director Liam Coffee was an inspiration for all that you see within TLS. This nightclub runs every other month and all are welcome! We train our own DJ's - if you're interested in being a DJ - then contact us!